Water & Spirit: The Soul Winner’s Bible Study is the culmination of the burden, influence, and collective effort of many great people through the years.
Our greatest desire is to help you be a more effective soul winner. With Water & Spirit you can readily achieve a Bible Study success rate of over 70%, 80%, or even 90%. We are committed to helping you make that goal a reality!
The first time we went to teach a soul winning Bible study, we had an experience that forever altered the course of our lives. We taught lesson 1 of a 12 week Bible study. It was wonderful. They were so hungry and we had a powerful move of God. We left with them eagerly looking forward to the next lesson.
But in-between lesson 1 and 2 their family members told them some negative things about church, and they never let us back in their house. We were utterly heartbroken because we had missed our one window of opportunity to share God’s plan of Salvation.
Right then we learned the importance of first beginning with a soul winning Bible study that shares the gospel in a simple and concise manner, before proceeding to a more comprehensive weekly study. When a person is hungry for God, they need to hear the plan of Salvation immediately!
A study of New Testament conversions revealed that the disciple's teaching methods achieved same day results:
The Apostles on the Day of Pentecost: same day.
Peter preaches to Cornelius and his house: same day.
Philip in Samaria: same day.
Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch: same chariot ride, same day.
Ananias teaches Paul: same day.
Paul teaches the Philippian jailer and he goes from not knowing anything about Jesus, about to commit suicide, to making Paul baptize him: same night.
Paul teaches Lydia in Corinth and she gets baptized: same day.
Paul teaches the disciples in Ephesus: same day.
We knew that if we wanted to be like the Apostles and teachers in the bible, we too needed a method of presenting the Gospel that produced results: same day! Not just on Sunday! Every day! Today is the day of Salvation!
We used every soul winning Bible study we could find, finally taking one and with some modifications we had consistent results of 60% successfully understanding and being baptized immediately. But the 40% that did not drove us to pray and seek God for answers. We needed His direction in finding a way to be more effective.
God began to give a deeper personal revelation of ‘Water and Spirit.’ He showed us that it was one of the most important principles of the whole Bible. Jesus expected that Nicodemus, being a teacher in Israel, would understand the importance of the principle of Water and Spirit (John 3:11).
The Bible begins and ends with ‘Water and Spirit’, and in typology can be found in nearly every book. Genesis through Revelations. Gen. 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Rev. 22:1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. V. 17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. (KJV)
Water & Spirit: The Soul Winner’s Bible Study was born. Some of the old elements were kept, others removed, and new added to achieve a streamlined balance between time and content that has led to an over 95% victory rate!
But it’s more than just the pattern of Scriptures that makes it so successful. Water & Spirit incorporates a ‘revolutionary’ new teaching methodology that produces ‘revelationary’ results.
This unique combination of Scriptures and interactive teaching technique create a current that causes the students to flow toward an immediate response to be Born Again of the Water and Spirit!
The Lord spoke and said there are two reasons why most people aren’t in our churches. The main reason is this: They just haven’t heard it! They haven’t heard that they get to be Born Again of the Water and Spirit! The second reason is that they may have heard it, but some heard it the wrong way.
Now is the time for that to change!
We would like to thank all those who have been and are a part of the Water & Spirit Team. Your contributions have been invaluable to help make Water & Spirit into an amazingly successful tool for reaching the lost!
Ultimately, it has been the Holy Ghost that has led us in thousands of personal Bible studies and soul winning situations to bring us Water & Spirit. All Glory belongs to God!
Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory, through the Lord Jesus Christ! Without His mercy and goodness we would all be so lost and hopeless.
May your heart be filled with the Love and Compassion of Jesus Christ as we work together to help reach the lost and hurting in these last days!
– The Water & Spirit Team
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