October 22, 2016
“I'd like to take a few minutes to explain what an amazing Bible Study Water & Spirit is. I began using Water & Spirit 3 years ago after hearing Water & Spirit taught at my church, Parkway Pentecostal Church in Madison, MS. I was hooked right away and knew this is what we needed.
I was the Pastor of a Church in the Madison County Jail, which meets twice a week. We did the Water & Spirit Bible Study and I was ready to go to Jail… lol.
Before I was able to go in and give this Water & Spirit Bible Study I had to prepare myself. I studied the Teacher’s Manual for several hours. I wanted them to know I Believe in what I Teach and it would show if I wasn't Prayed up and Prepared up. After give so many Water & Spirit Bible Studies, it gets easier, but I always want to be Prayed up and Prepared up. These people that sit in front of you will know if you’re "ready or not." Their Souls Count on us to be Prayed up and Prepared up.
It was on a Sunday and that time of year was football season and we all know what that means… Football Sunday. The guards were very skeptical if anyone would show up because it's their free time and there’s football all day. As I sat in my room I heard footsteps coming and I was so happy to have 9 inmates show up. They said, "We can watch Football later, Church comes first." I presented the Water & Spirit Bible study to them and that day all the Inmates wanted to be Baptized in Jesus name!
The Chaplain in charge of the Jail was not a fan of water Baptism in Jesus Name and really gave us the run around until my Bishop, Jerry Dillon, had a little talk with the Sheriff and the next thing you know, all 9 where Baptized in Jesus Name in the court yard of the Jail.
Every opportunity I had, I gave the Water & Spirit Bible Study to the Males and Females. The success rate was amazing. 99% of the Inmates I taught the Water & Spirit to were indeed Baptized in Jesus name. Many received the Holy Ghost by evidence of speaking in tongues.
In total 273 were Baptized in Jesus Name and 75 Holy Ghost filled!
I have had some of the Inmates visit Parkway Pentecostal Church once they were released. I even had one come into my shop and personally thanked me for the Bible Study, Water & Spirit, being taught. (see pic)
This is the only Bible Study I use. I highly recommend this to Every Church Soul Winner to get your hands on the Teacher’s Manual and the Bible Studies. I use this Water & Spirit Bible Study to this day. God Bless and Let's Win Souls!”
--- W Scott Marshall
May 10, 2017
Praise God. What a awesome Testimony you have.
November 15, 2016
I believe this way, I was baptised this way many years ago, and lived and eat it for 4 yrs but I back slide.Even though I don’t live that way I know it to be the truth, I love Jesus and one day before its too late I pray to get back into the true church that teaches this way.I love you Jesus please I ask that you pray for me. I love Jesus
October 28, 2016
I’ve never heard this bible study and I’ve never given one, but I believe it’s working! I live in a city where lots of people live but changed to a more modern Pentecostal church life instead of the true doctrines bible taught many years ago. I want to learn this study and grab back those the ole enemy stole from this historical truth!!
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November 25, 2020 1 Comment
October 13, 2018
"GAME CHANGER. We have taught this Bible study countless times and have baptized almost every single person..."
August 28, 2018 4 Comments
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July 23, 2017
I go to the church to baptize in Jesus name at. Act 2:38 the Lord gave order to Peter to baptize in his name there’s no other name, like that name of Jesus Amen Amen….